Mystery Respiratory Dog Illness (IG Live) with Isabel Alvarez Arata 11.27.23
Mystery Respiratory Dog Illness (IG Live) with Isabel Alvar…
The media has the whole country in a panic about the mysterious respiratory illness affecting dogs ... but do we really need to panic? What…
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Nov. 29, 2023

Mystery Respiratory Dog Illness (IG Live) with Isabel Alvarez Arata 11.27.23

Mystery Respiratory Dog Illness (IG Live) with Isabel Alvarez Arata 11.27.23

The media has the whole country in a panic about the mysterious respiratory illness affecting dogs ... but do we really need to panic?

What can we do to help prevent our dogs from catching it?
What if they do get a cough?

Join Isabel and I as we chat about everything we know so far ... and get her unique take as a pet care professional on what to do if you have boarding lined up for your pet over the holidays.

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Isabel Alvarez Arata


Isabel Alvarez Arata is a freelance writer and content creator with a focus on business, marketing, and lifestyle. While her passion lies in sharing her knowledge of pets, pet care, and pet-friendly living, Isabel writes for various online and print publications on a wide range of topics.

Fueled by her first encounter with rescue work at 17-years-old, Isabel believes that her purpose lies in helping companion animals live better lives by educating their caregivers. Isabel entered the pet care industry in 2008 when she founded The Wag Pack, Northern Virginia’s premier pet sitting and dog walking company. She has since closed TWP but continues to work tirelessly to promote positive pet care through exercise, enrichment, nutrition, and more as a pet sitting industry advocate.

Isabel was born in Ecuador, raised in Miami, FL, and has lived across the US and in Europe. She currently lives in El Paso, TX with her husband, two young children, and two old dogs.

A self-described gastronome and former hospitality industry professional, Isabel blends her love of life, banter, and adult beverages with her passion for pets in Covered in Pet Hair, a boozy show for pet lovers on Pet Life Radio, YouTube, and all major podcasting platforms.