91. IMPORTANT: Spay & Neuter Options For Dogs
91. IMPORTANT: Spay & Neuter Options For Dogs
We are receiving more and more information about the negative effects of traditional spay and neuter procedures on dogs, especially when th…
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May 16, 2023

91. IMPORTANT: Spay & Neuter Options For Dogs

91. IMPORTANT: Spay & Neuter Options For Dogs

We are receiving more and more information about the negative effects of traditional spay and neuter procedures on dogs, especially when they are done very early in life.

In today's episode, we'll cover
 - WHY traditional spay and neuter may not be appropriate for every dog
 - WHAT the risks are
 - OPTIONS for alternatives to traditional spay and neuter procedures

I also understand that we don't all have the luxury of deciding this for our dogs, so we'll talk about what to do in this case as well.

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