
As pet owners seek ways to improve both the quality and longevity of their pets’ lives, many
are turning to holistic treatments. As you cover this trend, please consider an interview with
Dr. Jeff Feinman (known as “Dr. Jeff”), a leading researcher and integrative veterinarian.
Jeffrey Feinman, BA, VMD, CVH, has had an extraordinary journey from top-tier scientific
training to developing his holistic veterinary expertise. He earned both molecular biology and
veterinary degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and conducted research in Penn’s
School of Medicine Department of Biochemistry and veterinary school Department of Medical
Genetics. After graduating, Dr. Jeff was selected for a competitive internship in clinical medicine
at the Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston.
Soon into his practice, however, he was alarmed by increasing rates of allergy, cancer and other
degenerative diseases and frustrated with the results of conventional therapy therapies. This led
him to study holistic veterinary practices, to which he applied the principles of molecular
biology training to develop more effective treatments. He later became the first Certified
Veterinary Homeopath in Connecticut.
Currently, Dr. Jeff is focused on helping his patients and clients maintain and regain wellness by
integrating his molecular biology and homeopathy knowledge into a unified method called the
Vitality and Balance System. His practice integrates the latest, safest diagnostic techniques and
treatments with holistic modalities such as clinical nutrition and homeopathy.
Dr. Jeff can these areas of great interest to people and pets:
● How homeopathy and holistic veterinary care can transform your pet’s health
● The power of trust and natural healing: building resilience for your pet
● Harnessing compassion and the human bond to promote healing
● Foods to feed your pet and foods to avoid
● Perspectives on pet vaccinations
● Learning from animals through Indigenous wisdom
Dr. Jeff is also the founder of Holistic Actions!, a resource hub for optimizing pets’ quality of life.
This month the organization hosted the Sacred Paws Summit, which featured luminaries in the
field of holistic health for animals sharing positive, practical actions and knowledge.